Post by Simon on Apr 6, 2009 8:35:55 GMT -5
Simon relaxed his body and went limp as the Ranger kept him lifted above the ground. His mind worked quickly and his eyes stayed on the man that held him. Deep down within himself he laughed.
That was until he was let go and hit the ground hard. He rubbed his arse ruefully as he listened with great interest to the one that dropped him.
"So ye may not have wished Robin dead, but ye have been administering him what.....a poison in his water, after he trusted ye.....we all trusted ye. There best be a cure Simon.......*He called the lad by his name so he might feel more remorse.* There best be a cure within our grasp and soon, else ye will not live to return to yer King or yer family. I give yer me word on that!"
"Tell us Simon......what did yer King tell ye......where are yer family being kept. Did he give a name to the poison.....do ye have it still?"
Simon gathered himself and looked the man square in the eyes...
"Yers can do what yers will ... there be no cure..oi spilled the poison when runnin froms yers... oi don't know where me family is held and yer'll all go ter hell an oi'll sees yer all there"
He spat at the man as they trussed him up....
He didn't care anymore about anything, his fate was sealed as was his family's
Post by The Rangers on Apr 7, 2009 6:12:50 GMT -5
Michael grabbed Saul's arm as the large man pulled it back in readiness, if not stopped he would have thrown a punch so hard at Simon, and perhaps stayed true to his word. Saul shook his head and lowered his arm, knowing he had been wrong. Violence never solved anything especially when tactics could be used in a better way. He turned away and began to walk back along the route Simon had fled, hoping just maybe to find the poison flask, but he had grave doubts. Muttering as he went, he knew the hatred within Simon's eyes was real and that frightened him.
Michael gathered his own thoughts and although he could see the lad held such disrespect for the men, he may react differently if Michael said the right words. It was their only hope now. His voice was gentler but still held an urgency he hoped would relay the importance of what was happening to Simon, and give the lad hope also.
"Simon.....what ye have done, 'twas a bad thing......but we understand. We all do things we would nae rather iffn caught in a difficult situation. Pray tell us.......yer family.....where do they wait for ye......does this King have them some place we could get to.....we can aid ye iffn ye might give aid to us. Robin be well loved, and he too has a family waitin' at home......we could bring ye all safely there and give ye a new life..........iffn 'tis such that ye would wish lad."
He sighed then as he spoke the last words to Simon......his fellow Rangers held their heads low as they all contemplated the fate of their beloved leader and hoped the lad would see sense and accept their help.
Post by Simon on Apr 8, 2009 8:56:54 GMT -5
Simon cringed as the man holding him drew his arm back and looked about to crash his large fist into him, But then he left when the other Ranger grabbed his arm and stopped him.
Then the other ranger started speaking to him.
"Simon.....what ye have done, 'twas a bad thing......but we understand. We all do things we would nae rather iffn caught in a difficult situation. Pray tell us.......yer family.....where do they wait for ye......does this King have them some place we could get to.....we can aid ye iffn ye might give aid to us. Robin be well loved, and he too has a family waitin' at home......we could bring ye all safely there and give ye a new life..........iffn 'tis such that ye would wish lad."
He stared at the man with a blank look on his face for a while as he weighed up his options, then replied...
"Ther King as em somewhere's an iffn oi fail me task theys'll die. There ain't no ope fer thems now oi dun failed me task. Oi'll go back an face me punishment loik a man, ther ain't nuffin yous can do fer me."
Simon tried to gauge the rangers thoughts and then came up with a plan. He would give them a name of a poison but not the real poison. They would treat that poison and maybe that would be enough to finish the Loxley man off. So instead of giving the man the real Poisons name "Dwale" he gave another...
"Ther poison is "Thung" an oi dun know of any cure, oi reckons e's dun fer yer Robin is"
Simon put on a sad face as if he was sorrowfull over what he had done, then waited for to see what would happen next.
Post by The Rangers on Apr 9, 2009 4:07:46 GMT -5
Saul enlisted the help of another fellow Ranger and between them they traced every inch of the route young Simon had fled along before being caught. They found no sign of any empty flask, poison or otherwise and therefore deducted the lad had lied. They also checked where the water flasks were kept and searched all around for any clues.....still finding none. Either Simon had hid the poison or kept it upon his person, the latter being rather foolish. They had to give up their search for it was hopeless. Perhaps the best way forward was to get Robin back to the Castle as soon as was humanly possible, for there were healers within and also nearby in the Village. Saul grunted again as they made their way back to where they had left the others.
Michael did not believe Simon......there was something about the lad that just did not add up. Why would he suddenly divulge a named poison, and why also would he not accept their help, surely his family were more important to him than facing a tyrant King 'Like a man'. Michael shook his head and did not speak directly to the lad, turning and gathering the Rangers together so they may speak further of this.
In hushed voices they discussed their findings as Saul and the others arrived back. Saul was ready to get the truth out of Simon, but not all the Rangers agreed with his tactics, although they all agreed that going home was the best solution for now, and to also make sure Robin took only freshly collected water from the streams after it had been boiled and cooled. The healers would know more of Thung, and hopefully have a cure.
"But what to we do wiv 'im then........iffn 'e goes back, tha King will know tha truth...."
"Aye and mayhaps come after Robin agin......tha Castle Would be in danger.....tha Queen 'an all...."
"I dun trust 'im."
"Aye.......tha lad be a liar...yers ken tell by 'is eyes...."
"What iffn 'e dus nae even 'ave a family!"
Michael hushed their comments as none were of a positive nature and none would help them. He took charge of the situation and told his colleagues he would speak with Gerrad, and perhaps even Robin, he knew no other way of deciding the lad's fate, and he did not wish to have blood on his hands.
"Make sure Simon is secured and fed......Gerrad will know what to do....'tis best we tell him our findings. Prepare to make ready to leave lads.....I have a feeling we shall be going home sooner rather than later."
A little later, Michael had sat quietly with both Robin and Gerrad, not really sure just how much of the information Robin had taken in or understood, but he knew Gerrad was second in command and would trust his judgement completely and without question. It was a grave situation that Michael simply could not see any way out of. He lowered his head and watched the flames within the fire they sat around.........and waited.
Post by Robin of Loxley on Apr 9, 2009 11:19:53 GMT -5
The man who always seemed to be there and another whose name was Michael sat next to him by a fire... and talked of things he had no knowledge about... He was drawn to the flames of the fire and watched with an intense curiosity as a woman appeared in the flames....
He knew her instinctively.... but there was no recognition other than being drawn to her image... he reached out to her yet she moved away ... he was confused...
Without realising it he spoke aloud to the image.... reaching out with an extended hand
Deliver me, out of my sadness. Deliver me, from all of the madness. Deliver me, courage to guide me. Deliver me, strength from inside me.
All of my life I've been fighting. Wishing there was someone just like you. Now that you're here, now that I've found you, I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Deliver me, loving and caring. Deliver me, giving and sharing. Deliver me, the cross that I'm bearing.
All of my life I have been fighting. Wishing there was someone just like you. Now that you're here, now that I've found you, I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Deliver me, Deliver me, Oh deliver me.
All of my life I have been riding. Wishing there was someone just like you. Now that you're here, now that I've found you, I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Deliver me, Oh deliver me. Won't you deliver me.
The image faded.... he was alone again............The man called Michael was upset as was the man called Gerrad.... He looked at them both and spoke...
Take me home... ahh be needed there methinks.... Then in a moment.... all clarity was gone............he looked at Gerrad and the other man ...............and drew his sword.........
All visions gone.............
"who are ye".....
Post by Dream Loxley on Apr 9, 2009 14:54:39 GMT -5
Biscuit was content to munch on the fresh new grass that was growing in front of the small shack.......she knew he would not wander far, he was her friend.....her dear friend. They had ridden along the beach and back again before stopping at the shack to rest.....she had laughed when she dismounted, noticing just how wet her skirts had become from the sea spray. Biscuit always seemed to find the shoreline the best place to gallop however much she tried to steer him to drier land.
She walked a little way from the porch and stood still......just remembering a moment, lingering in the past where her memories kept her safe......and he was there......so long ago now.....but he was there, sitting cross legged around a camp fire he had so skillfully made. They had shared a flagon of wine and some freshly baked bread. The moon was full, showering them with a romantic, tranquil light.....as if he had planned it that way....and here within his hand was a ring, a large emerald set into gold.....offered to her with that grin she so adored plastered across his face.
Dream sighed softly, keeping the image within her mind as she sat down upon a large old tree stump, lifting her hand to allow the sun to catch her ring, the emerald shining as she admired it. She smiled then and allowed the other images and memories to come forth and caress her heart, making her skip a beat as she remembered.
Aye.....she had said his to his request of marriage.......after he had declared his love for her. That evening they had spent together around the fire....speaking of the past and the future, what it held for them, how hard it would be at times when he would have to leave her.....how would she cope, was he enough.....could she love him for what he was, a simple Ranger.
Aye.....she had said she would....and could.....and loved him with all her heart for always as he slipped the ring upon her finger and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was gentle.....and yet with the promise of more......so much more.
Dream pulled her cloak tighter against the chill.......although the sun was warm, when it disappeared behind a cloud, then the air was chilly still, even though Spring was finally taking hold of the winter landscape. She closed her eyes for a moment, seeing his face again within her mind.....his grin, his eyes...so deep she could drown in them.....so dark they held secrets and places she dared not venture into at times.....but she loved him.....always and forever, she loved him still.
It was Biscuit who brought her back to reality as he nudged her shoulder. She had chuckled at him......his timing rather rude to not allow her to finish her daydreaming.....but time was passing and she should get back soon. She reached up to stroke his muzzle, berating him gently for disturbing her thoughts, before she stood and began to walk back to more sturdy ground.
She looked again to the shack, knowing that as soon as the weather was more kindly, she would take up residence there.....unless Robin would be unable........unless he would be too ill this time......too ill.......or worse even.
She pushed those thoughts from her mind as she mounted her trusted steed, pulling her damp skirts down and around her legs as she settled into the saddle again. With a gentle push forward Biscuit started off at a slow walk, neither of them in any hurry to leave this enchanted place where they had always felt at one with the ocean.
"Gerrad said he would know me......that he reads my name every day......but he may not know ye my friend.....nor many of the Castle.........he may not.....and ye must nae be sad......we must have patience aye......and make him better.....just......aye.....make him better lad."
Dream urged him on and he began to quicken his step once more.....wether he had heard her, or even understood her words, it was of no importance for her voice was calm....gentle as always and he was content as he began to canter along the shoreline, this time staying just far enough inland to avoid all the sea spray.
Her final words were so quiet they became lost in the breeze as rider and horse galloped off towards home again.
"And love him.......just love him......."
Post by Lady Edfeil on May 4, 2009 9:48:25 GMT -5
((just waits eagerly))